So Monday whizzed by and Tuesday arrived to my heart's dismay. I really dread saying goodbye to a wonderful supervisor and friend like Lien and it sucks to know she's on half day leave. Uuurrghh! Anyway, here are the group pics... I'll send you guys the original..
L-R: Joel (a.k.a Fido Dido), Lien, Me, Liz, Hui Boon (a.k.a HB)
Spot the differences!! Hahaha.. kiddin..the pics look similar though.
There are so many of us that took single shots with Lien that I have decided to put everyone's photos to a single pic...hehehe....
And what's a departure without group photos!!!
Okie, there are more people in the department but some of them were on leave, not back from lunch, on the phone with clients thats why they couldn't join in.. *Aiyah..* Weeslee had her eyes closed..which means there'll be....
Arhh.. This is much better! L-R (1st row): Joel, Joyce (a.k.a Joy-Ce), Patrick (a.k.a. Patricko / lil. P) and on his head is Mr. Guy Smiley from Sesame Street, Hui Boon. L-R(2nd row): Veronica, Lien & Angelina (a.k.a Angie or An-Qi-LiNa in mandarin sometimes). L_R(3rd row): Me (a.k.a PrisTham!!! - when Patrick demands something from me.. hehehe), Weeslee, Sherlene and Elizabeth. L-R(4th row): Daniel & another Elizabeth (a.k.a Liz Low or elow - shortform for her lotus notes.. since we have 2 Elizabeths).
So there you go.. that's Tuesday... that Lien left to return to Melbourne. As I am recollecing this blog.. some of us have already received emails from Lien telling us that she has arrived safely. =) I hope to visit you soon in Melbourne, Lien! We'll come knocking at ur doors! ;) hahah..Take care!
spot the diff: Your friend Hui Boon, taking off her specs and posing (like what i usually do) muahahaha
>tiger: hehehe.. lol... yeah lor.. so hiao wan.. both of you.. justkiddin...
yo... who's the one with contact lenses such that you are permanently "taking off your specs"? hehe...
>tiger: Hmmm....*ponders* who? Me? Hehehe... Cos I look like another person altogether when I adorn my specs mah! So if I wear alot of ppl might not recognise me.. hahaha
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