Saturday, January 15, 2005

What a Saturday!!!

Okie.. I just got home. Today's crap. Woke up happily.. got changed to prepare to head down to TY's place for V's bridal shower. Was at Raffles mrt, switching trains when I got a call from my colleague. Hmm..Wander wat's up. Answered the call and found out the urgent report that was supposed to be sent out yesterday have yet to be sent. Since I am near office, thought I'll just head back to office to send it before I go to TY's place then.

Went to office...switch on comp.. tried to generate the report but somehow I couldn't load it onto the system at all. TSK! Try again. Failed. Try again.. and again.. and again.. *iT guys walked past...* 'Hey, Pris.. Why are you back here today?' 'Need to generate & send out an important report.. but can't the system down?' 'Yup..been down the past 10mins..that's why we're taking a tea break.' 'Arh?????????? HOW COME????' Pris whines. Can die.

Waited for an hour...2 hours passed.. Played with my blog.. surf the net, listen to music, send some emails ....3 hours passed. GOSH!! I need to get this done and enjoy the rest of my Saturday pls!!Clicked refresh and at that moment.. FINALLY the system said report has been loaded. Time checked: 5:42pm. Can't go to V's bridal shower already by the time I leave the office..*grumbles* Had a slight migraine.. went back home to rest.

At the MRT station, silence was broken by this little rugrat who was scrreeeccchiing at the top of his tiny lungs.. running up and down the train. His screeching made my migraine throbbed harder.Then..that rugrat was pulling some lady's skirt.. and the lady was annoyed. And his mum actually smiled and said to the lady 'Let him be ya? He's just a small boy' And he continued shrieking while tugging at the lady's skirt. For a split second, I wished I could tape him to the wall..(not that I'm mean or I don't like kids..)But he was reallyX10 shrieking and filling the vacuumns of the mrt station.

Gosh! My migraine's killing me.. can't wait to get home and just watch my DVDs.. what a Saturday this turn out to be! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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