Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Can't think of a title for this blog (long entry..warning!)

Yup, that's right. The title of this blog entry is 'can't think of a title for this blog'. Speaks for itself. Haha. At work today, whole morning I was in 'screensaver mode'. Screensaver mode = zone out.. phase out.. cannot think.. la la land mode. I simply looked at my comp screen and wasn't able to function. Think I am really not a morning person. I seem to be able to start functioning at nine-ish in the morning. So during then, I would do administrative stuff like archiving my emails since my Lotus Notes is gonna explode.
Since secondary days till now.. I have never been a morning person. I recalled that we had to write our daily journal as part of our English subject ..and I wrote in my journal entry then that it's a chore to write on a DAILY basis (back then la) when I could use the time to sleep. Wonder what made me mad enough to write that when its reviewed by my English as well as Form teacher. Her comments? (I will always remember it.. and laugh at it as well) 'No wonder your eyes are half close in the morning most of the time'. Bingo! Hahaha..
Anyway, back to my day at work. After zoning out .. I made myself a cuppa tea and started to work more effectively and efficiently. My toggled brains decided they should start putting themselves to some use. My phone began to ring one call after another and I started to feel I was working as some hotline operator. I couldn't even write a SINGLE email without calls keep coming in.
An assignee even emailed me (I saw the email while talking to another assignee on the phone) ..he wrote to me and said "Hi Pris (Realise recently that the assignees are starting to call me Pris quite often thesedays.. like as though I play mahjong with them on a regular basis or something, when I have NEVER spoken to most of them before, those that I speak on a regular basis call me Pris which I don't mind la.. well not that I mind at all also.. hahaha)..
Okie.. anyway assignee wrote "Hi Pris, it's almost 9pm my californian time, are you about to call me soon? If not I can call you - I tried but I can't seem to get thru to you. Let me know if I should call you or wait for your call." If I were in a comic strip, you can see a dialogue bubble forming from my head "I know that its almost time to call you.. but I'm on the line now with another of your fellow colleague who have gaBillion queries that I need to run through with him."
Well typical day at work for me. Glanced at the time and OMGAWWWWD!!!! Its already 6:10pm. My MRT buddies who are taking the same direction train as myself to school are nagging at me to leave the work station fast, which I had no choice as well since I have got classes tonight, gota be on time.
After class, called my fave uncle .. Uncle Ritz to check out how is he. Heard from my granny that he have been discharged from hospital already and is recovering from his appendix rupture. Talking to uncle Ritz is like talking to my friend. Easy to talk to, no pressures and nice. Like to talk to people like him. Thank God that he is recovering.. will keep him in my prayers for a full recovery fast. Uncle Ritz is someone I really look up to cos he is hardworking, he is always happy and smiling and someone that inspires me a great deal. Will show you his pic.. (He is vain la.. and doesn't look his age..40+..show you his pic..not very clear though)

And yes!! He is my real uncle okie!! My mummy's younger bro. Don't ask me what cream he use to stay young.. I really don't know..If I know I would be quite rich already.
Okie, anyway JP.. if you are reading this.. I have attached my pics for you below since you have been complaining that you wanna see my short hair cos you have yet to see it.. (looks like my other short hair pics what!!!!!!!!!) Anyway to keep you from haunting me la.. here you go..
me...(Do I resemble my uncle in any way?haha.. doubt it)
gosh.. so late already.. enough blogging.. time to go to la la land. zzZzZZZZZ.....


Anonymous said...

Ah..Finally I see the pic of you! U're getting prettier, girl!

Anonymous said...

Aiyah, forgot 2 add dat the previous comment was made by me- JP

Prisca said...

*Blush* Thanks JP.....

Paul said...

hi Pris... nice blog

Prisca said...

Thanks Paul!!