Monday, January 10, 2005

~Welcome to PriPri's Wonderland~

~*~*Welcome to PriPri's Wonderland*~*~

Hola~I hope you have enjoyed Chopstix 2004..
Chopstix 2004 has served PriPri well, which is why the format for Chopstix has been adopted in this wonderland too.
PriPri has decided that she would like to go pink with flowers for 2005...
In this blog, you will find most things girly and feminine...
Except for the text or the contents of the blogs written by PriPri herself though..

PriPri took many days to play with the HTML codings in order to achieve this wonderland...
Please leave her some comments about the wonderland she created..
(But don't make her cry ya? Hahah....)

Pink is PriPri's fave colour... therefore her wonderland is pink.
PriPri has gone girlish (or at least that's what she thinks) which is what the flowers represent. The little tiny (barely visible) snow flakes are added to this wonderland to create the effect as though the flowers are falling.. As you can see (if you squint perhaps), PriPri ain't no iT expert.. so she didn't try to enlarge the size of the falling snowflakes as she couldn't figure the HTML codes. And if you ask, 'how come the snow flakes don't fall throughout the wonderland?' That's because PriPri thinks it's a little distracting when you are reading a blog and flakes are falling, covering the text. But the main reason is..(if you know me well enough..then you would have guessed by now), is because I don't know how to do that la!!

So here you are.. in PriPri's Wonderland for 2005.. I hope you enjoy yourself here and may you create and find your own wonderland soon...

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