Saturday, January 22, 2005

Singlish at its best!

Singlish at its best.. How Singaporeans have basically not much national food of its own (E.g. laksa's from penang?), not much rich history there either.. and the only thing that we can proudly call our own is SINGLISH.

Sometimes I find myself pronouncing words the Singlish manner which is actually much faster and easier to understand. Are you pronouncing words like I did? Check out the words below:

Singlish Pronounciation:
Government - Gar-ment (The 'VER''s apparently missing)
Nevermind - Neh-mind (Again the 'VER' went MIA)

Hahaha.. so are you 'guilty' of the above charges? Haha.. Well.. here are more singlish at its best.. Not so much in pronounciation but more in phrasing of words and sentences.. (I mean I admit my English ain't that great either.. but its hilarious to think of such stuff.. and yet only Singaporeans can relate to it easily ..cos its part of our identity..)

For instance the usage of the word 'More'. If we were to express ourselves by saying for instance 'This is not bad..but you can do better', 'Better' is already more than good or the average. Singlish version would be 'This is not bad (lah..) but you can do more better'...hahaha.. I am guilty of this too myself.. Sometimes I find myself saying "More worse", "More good", "More this.. More that."

Okie.. Nehmind that.. (OoPs!) hahaha.. well.. I would still continue to use singlish to its best, sometimes when you talk to expatriates all day long.. you just wanna talk singlish and relax.. cos listening to the slangs and accents of expatriates can be pretty tiring..and we are talking about Brits, Irish, Aussies, Americans, Chinese Nationals, Taiwanese, Hong Kongers.. all lumped together in a day can be pretty tiring. So I do wanna say.. I don't encourage Singlish 100% but if it helps you relax like it does for me, and give me a Singaporean identity.. why not? ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PRINCESS PRIS...WHERE IS UR CHART?????? If you busy, NEH-MIND la.. Hahaha..-JP