At lunch today, we were having lunch when don't know why my colleagues started talking about me.. in front of me.. to my face. When I was happily eating my garlic naan and savouring the naan. My colleague, Yan started saying 'eh Pris, if you dun smile.. you like an ice maiden.. VERY intimidating..when I first saw you.. I thought this gal is way too as in don't smile, look fierce, no nonsense.. extremely DAO (arrogant)'. *Pris squints her eyes at Yan..GgggRrrr...* Then of cos being Yan, he had to disturb me even further.. 'You know before I got transferred to this department, my previous department the people always curious about you, talking about you and saying you look too DAO and no one dares to say hi, you got a nice smile.. should smile regularly..'
Monday, January 31, 2005
Ice Maiden's Gonna Miss Kirsten
Regularly? I laughed..and choked on my nann and told Yan.. 'Siao ar you.. I can't possibly smile 24/7.. and I am not obligated to smile always leh!Orh!!!! So you guys have been gossiping behind my back waaay before you join us..hahaha' Then Noriza said.. 'Yah Pris, when I first saw you.. I thought you were like an ice maiden too..but when I got to know you better then I know you are not.. but when you are quiet.. you are very quiet hor' Hmmm... maybe I should smile more often? Tiring leh..
Will my smile devalue if I smile too often? Haha.. I am obviously not making much sense here. Perhaps too stressed up.
After work, met up with Kirsten, Cheryl and Sandy. Cheryl's cut her hair even shorter and 2nd friend of mine who have gone redhead. Kirsten's going back soon to Tasmania and I will really miss her very much. Half a year we did not meet and so much changes happened between both of us. Kirsten's my best bud.. childhood since primary school till now. We watched each other grow up.. we watched each other go through all kinds of changes.. years passed and we still love each other and care for each other very much. Last year, she wrote me an email to encourage me that I was so touched that I broke down crying (in the office) and she taught me how to bake my apple crumble, how to make dumplings, and some other dishes.. what did I taught her? I have no idea.. and I wouldn't dare say that I taught her anything. We talked and agreed that within the last 6 months of seeing each other.. so many things happen to the both of us and now that she will only return about 10months later.. I felt lost.. felt alittle there's still so much we got to catch up with each other. We both felt that we are all growing up too fast.. and how much we'll miss each other. I dun know what else or what other major changes will take place in 10 months time or till I next see her again, but I do know that I will miss her sorely. Be it 10 months or less or more, she will be someone close and dear to me..always.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Wonderful Sunday at Ah Me's Birthday Bash!
After church today, I went shopping.. wanted to shop for my CNY stuff but the shop I wanna buy my stuff at was closed.. >_<
So I went to Heeren ..walked around and bought myself a nice girly pink pair of rubber flip flops.. (Really cool & comfy!! check them out!!) -> wonder if they will pay me some commission or sponsor me some flipflops of my choice for helping them to advertise.
Went to my eldest aunty's birthday tonight. Didn't know that family gatherings could turn out to be so fun! My eldest aunty (mum's eldest sis, my mummy is no. 2 in the family) and I call her Ah-me.. why? Cos when I was younger, my elder cousins (Faye-jie & Ian kor = I am used to calling them jie jie and kor kor) always call their mum - Mee..Mee..(Shortform for Mummy) and they call their dad (Dee..u get the picture) So when I was very young.. I also called their parents Mee and Dee..and they laughed cos I became their 'child' by calling them wrongly. So now.. it got stuck.. I have been calling my eldest aunty and uncle-in-law Ah Me & Ah Dee. Had really lots of fun with my uncles and aunties and cousins..And its great to see my beloved granny after so long. The strange thing is.. I was sitting at the table for so long and my relatives keep asking my mummy "where is Ah - Mei?" (OKIE!!! DUN U DARE LAUGH COS I AM CALLED THAT SINCE I USED TO BE THE YOUNGEST FOR A LONG TIME TILL MY LITTLE COUSINS POP OUT AFTER ME) And my mummy pointed to me and all of them said couldn't recognise me.. ???? When I came into the restuarant, I called everyone!! Strange.. -.-???
Anyway, will TRY to see if I can post any pics up.. cos no one brought their digital cam.. and the only camera was a manual non-digital cam. SOOO happy.. I lurrve family gatherings..
Saturday, January 29, 2005
New Toy + 5 Chickens + Young Boy
New Toy: I got a new hp.. I got a new hp... hehe.. its red. its a panasonic x500! And its FREE! Wahahahaah... Received a letter from my mobile service provider M1, saying I can choose 2 hp models by trading in my current hp. Its either a panasonic x500 or a nokia 7260. I like both phones very much.. URRGGH dilemma.. but the nokia hp was rather bulky.. so nope.. opted for the x500. Wanted a red one instead of a white x500, the lady at M1 shop told me.. this is the last few reds left.. the red phones are not many in stock. Woo.. cool. (I had to trade in my hp since the promotion ends tomorrow) My old hp, a panasonic x66 cost me $90 when I signed on a new line for my mummy. The x66 trade in value is $200, hehe.. okie.. still earn. Hahaha.. Can't wait to use my new hp.. my 'baby' is charging right now beside me.. hahaha
5 Chickens: The lady at M1 told me that I can even get to participate in their lucky draw. I thought to myself.. Really? Cool.. okie.. stuck my hand into the box and just anyhow picked a card. Tore it open and I didn't really understand.. there were 5 chickens on the card. The M1 lady said very loudly "WOW! You won 5 chickens!!!" And I went "HUH?! 5 chickens? I don't want.. " (Was thinking to myself must be some rooster/chicken figurines for the Rooster Chinese New Year this year) She went.."2 cans of Skylight Abalone!!" WoooooooOooo.. Nice. (that I want of cos!!) Cos my mummy will definitely be very happy. The lady said to me "Wah.. you very lucky.. so far you are only the 2nd person who won the Skylight Abalone - everyone kept winning poker cards" I smiled and asked her whats the grand prize and how many chickens you will need to win that. She said 6 chickens is the max.. the prize for that is $8,888. Wooo.. gosh.. 1 chicken flew away on my card. Hahaa.. no la.. kiddin.. if I win that I would be grinning from ear to ear and my teeth would drop.. But I am happy with my 5 chickens.. even if its 1 chicken.. I will also be happy. Why? Cos actually.. I thought I would go get some abalone for CNY this year AFTER I trade in and get my hp .. give to my mummy.. make her happy. Who knows? Thank God.. can save some money already.. hahhaa.. God given abalone! Surely taste even sweeter! hahaha..
Young Boy: While waiting in line to be served at M1.. this young BOY .. (I repeat BOY) came up to me (probably about 23 max..) and asked me if he can know me and be my friend.. (PriPri's eyes widen.. what century we're living in already.. how come still got such tactics?????????) And I looked at him and smiled.. with his hair all spiked up and in his baggy jeans and white short sleeve shirt with embroidered white flowers also (nice shirt.. thats why I can described it here.. was looking at it.. hahaha) I smiled at him and said.. sorry I am older than you. He grinned and said "Yah I know" *At that moment.. I would LURVE to jump up high and knock him on his head.. never die before.. PriPri squints her eyes at him* He said to me.. the most is you are 24! 1 year is ok. (okie.. PriPri.. regained her posture.. Wahahaha) Told him.. "hahah.. more than 1 year.. anyway.. its my turn now to get my hp.. laters.." And quickly walked away.. Aiyooohh.... can die leh .. I mean its nice to have a guy approached you. Bbbut.. bbut.. okie.. never mind.. shall not dwell further into this. Just so happy to get my new toy and my mummy is also happy with the skylight abalones!
Friday, January 28, 2005
I've got mail.....
Yay! It's finally a Friday! Wooohoo!!!!!!! I love Fridays. Am a friday gal. Nope.. not for clubbing.. but Fridays are just so... soo.. I don't know, Happy!
Anyway today's pretty hectic, had a promotees meeting to discuss what stuff to order for food and drinks for 4th Feb (The promotees are supposed to treat the whole entire department...the whole office on 26 floor.. about 60+ people.. and plan all the logistics of the BBQ party we are having.. can die!)Had to ensure that everything for my assignees are all ok especially for those who are physically relocating to their host countries this week, before I left hurriedly for the church unit dinner. Had a nice meal .. got one of my fave dessert Yam (er.. issit paste?), got a nice sunflower from sweet Elaine. A little sad that our caregroup would have some changes in terms of people movement especially when all of us have gotten closer to each other, but I guess change may not always be bad, could be better for all I know.
Saw Eirene turned into a redhead with her new hair colour.. quite nice. Something new. Came home after the unit dinner and saw I've got mail! There's 3 postcards on the table. Hmm.. who were they from? Woo.. there's a lovely .. cutey bear shaped postcard and its so KAWAIIII.............. They were from my sweet lil bro in London and the postcards are really nice. *If you are reading this.. THANK YOU!! U MADE MY FRIDAY EVEN BETTER!!* This lil bro of mine is a really nice guy.. sincere, genunine, great follow up with me especially when I am down and it seems like I have known him for ages! He's like the lil bro I never had. He taught me some Vietnamese, sent me songs, lyrics, nice mpeg files and many other stuff..
And this is the bear postcard and me!! Love the postcard.. (I'm easily contented..hehehe)

Thursday, January 27, 2005
I am very happy today. My supervisor Lien told me that a survey was sent out to all the assignees and our clients we liaised with, and I had positive results, when I heard that I was like.. OK.. cool...nice..(But no big deal kind...chey... kind of feeling)
After that my boss Grahame came out of his room and smiled at me saying "Well Done, Pris!!" I was like "wat?" And he asked me into his room. I went in and he showed me the details on his notebook. What I didn't know was.. the survey was a Global Survey, meaning my fellow counterparts in the US, Europe who are also working on this account have been compared with as well. And when I saw his notebook, I was grinning from ear to ear. The survey results showed that I was the only one who had 100% satisfaction met and exceeded from both assignees and HR clients as compared to the rest of my other counterparts in the US or Europe...and in Asia, I am the only one handling this policy, my surpervisor Lien handles the Long Termers and the Short Termers. Grahame smiled and said again to me "Well done once more, Pris..proud of ya.."
At that instant, I grinned and told Grahame "Really? Now can I re-negotiate my pay?" Wahahaha... Grahame laughed and whacked his file (gently la.. he doesn't whack us hard)on my back. And for the rest of the day .. Grahame kept poking fun at me by saying "I'm so proud of you, Pris.." or "Girly P, you did me proud"..
or "Pris is proudy...." Crazy guy.. lost his marbles.. whole day disturb all of us.. But without him disturbing us.. we won't lurve him so much.. Not that kindof lurve love.. but all of us really respect him a whole lot.
Anyway.. at my desk, I said a quick thank you to God for helping me. I know many times, I wouldn't have done it without fact I can't do without Him. Not to boast.. act 'wholesome' or watever.. but I am really truly blessed under His guidance. I do admit that there are times where I feel sad.. empty.. even lonely .. and it does get me down somehow, being mortal.. being a girl.. but when I do think of my friends and family loving me..Him loving me unconditionally 24/7,365, till I am 6 feet under and even beyond.. I cheer up. I really don't know how I can ever thank Him enough.. hmm.. wait a sec.. I do know.. !!! Meet Him regularly on Sundays and don't make Him wait for me.. haha.. ok, people... its like 12:56am.. I need to sleep already.. need to enter my fantasy world. Sweet dreams y'all!!!
After that my boss Grahame came out of his room and smiled at me saying "Well Done, Pris!!" I was like "wat?" And he asked me into his room. I went in and he showed me the details on his notebook. What I didn't know was.. the survey was a Global Survey, meaning my fellow counterparts in the US, Europe who are also working on this account have been compared with as well. And when I saw his notebook, I was grinning from ear to ear. The survey results showed that I was the only one who had 100% satisfaction met and exceeded from both assignees and HR clients as compared to the rest of my other counterparts in the US or Europe...and in Asia, I am the only one handling this policy, my surpervisor Lien handles the Long Termers and the Short Termers. Grahame smiled and said again to me "Well done once more, Pris..proud of ya.."
At that instant, I grinned and told Grahame "Really? Now can I re-negotiate my pay?" Wahahaha... Grahame laughed and whacked his file (gently la.. he doesn't whack us hard)on my back. And for the rest of the day .. Grahame kept poking fun at me by saying "I'm so proud of you, Pris.." or "Girly P, you did me proud"..
or "Pris is proudy...." Crazy guy.. lost his marbles.. whole day disturb all of us.. But without him disturbing us.. we won't lurve him so much.. Not that kindof lurve love.. but all of us really respect him a whole lot.
Anyway.. at my desk, I said a quick thank you to God for helping me. I know many times, I wouldn't have done it without fact I can't do without Him. Not to boast.. act 'wholesome' or watever.. but I am really truly blessed under His guidance. I do admit that there are times where I feel sad.. empty.. even lonely .. and it does get me down somehow, being mortal.. being a girl.. but when I do think of my friends and family loving me..Him loving me unconditionally 24/7,365, till I am 6 feet under and even beyond.. I cheer up. I really don't know how I can ever thank Him enough.. hmm.. wait a sec.. I do know.. !!! Meet Him regularly on Sundays and don't make Him wait for me.. haha.. ok, people... its like 12:56am.. I need to sleep already.. need to enter my fantasy world. Sweet dreams y'all!!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Can't think of a title for this blog (long entry..warning!)
Yup, that's right. The title of this blog entry is 'can't think of a title for this blog'. Speaks for itself. Haha. At work today, whole morning I was in 'screensaver mode'. Screensaver mode = zone out.. phase out.. cannot think.. la la land mode. I simply looked at my comp screen and wasn't able to function. Think I am really not a morning person. I seem to be able to start functioning at nine-ish in the morning. So during then, I would do administrative stuff like archiving my emails since my Lotus Notes is gonna explode.
Since secondary days till now.. I have never been a morning person. I recalled that we had to write our daily journal as part of our English subject ..and I wrote in my journal entry then that it's a chore to write on a DAILY basis (back then la) when I could use the time to sleep. Wonder what made me mad enough to write that when its reviewed by my English as well as Form teacher. Her comments? (I will always remember it.. and laugh at it as well) 'No wonder your eyes are half close in the morning most of the time'. Bingo! Hahaha..
Anyway, back to my day at work. After zoning out .. I made myself a cuppa tea and started to work more effectively and efficiently. My toggled brains decided they should start putting themselves to some use. My phone began to ring one call after another and I started to feel I was working as some hotline operator. I couldn't even write a SINGLE email without calls keep coming in.
An assignee even emailed me (I saw the email while talking to another assignee on the phone) ..he wrote to me and said "Hi Pris (Realise recently that the assignees are starting to call me Pris quite often thesedays.. like as though I play mahjong with them on a regular basis or something, when I have NEVER spoken to most of them before, those that I speak on a regular basis call me Pris which I don't mind la.. well not that I mind at all also.. hahaha)..
Okie.. anyway assignee wrote "Hi Pris, it's almost 9pm my californian time, are you about to call me soon? If not I can call you - I tried but I can't seem to get thru to you. Let me know if I should call you or wait for your call." If I were in a comic strip, you can see a dialogue bubble forming from my head "I know that its almost time to call you.. but I'm on the line now with another of your fellow colleague who have gaBillion queries that I need to run through with him."
Well typical day at work for me. Glanced at the time and OMGAWWWWD!!!! Its already 6:10pm. My MRT buddies who are taking the same direction train as myself to school are nagging at me to leave the work station fast, which I had no choice as well since I have got classes tonight, gota be on time.
After class, called my fave uncle .. Uncle Ritz to check out how is he. Heard from my granny that he have been discharged from hospital already and is recovering from his appendix rupture. Talking to uncle Ritz is like talking to my friend. Easy to talk to, no pressures and nice. Like to talk to people like him. Thank God that he is recovering.. will keep him in my prayers for a full recovery fast. Uncle Ritz is someone I really look up to cos he is hardworking, he is always happy and smiling and someone that inspires me a great deal. Will show you his pic.. (He is vain la.. and doesn't look his you his pic..not very clear though)

Okie, anyway JP.. if you are reading this.. I have attached my pics for you below since you have been complaining that you wanna see my short hair cos you have yet to see it.. (looks like my other short hair pics what!!!!!!!!!) Anyway to keep you from haunting me la.. here you go..
me...(Do I resemble my uncle in any way?haha.. doubt it)
gosh.. so late already.. enough blogging.. time to go to la la land. zzZzZZZZZ.....
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Singlish at its best!
Singlish at its best.. How Singaporeans have basically not much national food of its own (E.g. laksa's from penang?), not much rich history there either.. and the only thing that we can proudly call our own is SINGLISH.
Sometimes I find myself pronouncing words the Singlish manner which is actually much faster and easier to understand. Are you pronouncing words like I did? Check out the words below:
Singlish Pronounciation:
Government - Gar-ment (The 'VER''s apparently missing)
Nevermind - Neh-mind (Again the 'VER' went MIA)
Hahaha.. so are you 'guilty' of the above charges? Haha.. Well.. here are more singlish at its best.. Not so much in pronounciation but more in phrasing of words and sentences.. (I mean I admit my English ain't that great either.. but its hilarious to think of such stuff.. and yet only Singaporeans can relate to it easily ..cos its part of our identity..)
For instance the usage of the word 'More'. If we were to express ourselves by saying for instance 'This is not bad..but you can do better', 'Better' is already more than good or the average. Singlish version would be 'This is not bad (lah..) but you can do more better'...hahaha.. I am guilty of this too myself.. Sometimes I find myself saying "More worse", "More good", "More this.. More that."
Okie.. Nehmind that.. (OoPs!) hahaha.. well.. I would still continue to use singlish to its best, sometimes when you talk to expatriates all day long.. you just wanna talk singlish and relax.. cos listening to the slangs and accents of expatriates can be pretty tiring..and we are talking about Brits, Irish, Aussies, Americans, Chinese Nationals, Taiwanese, Hong Kongers.. all lumped together in a day can be pretty tiring. So I do wanna say.. I don't encourage Singlish 100% but if it helps you relax like it does for me, and give me a Singaporean identity.. why not? ;)
Sometimes I find myself pronouncing words the Singlish manner which is actually much faster and easier to understand. Are you pronouncing words like I did? Check out the words below:
Singlish Pronounciation:
Government - Gar-ment (The 'VER''s apparently missing)
Nevermind - Neh-mind (Again the 'VER' went MIA)
Hahaha.. so are you 'guilty' of the above charges? Haha.. Well.. here are more singlish at its best.. Not so much in pronounciation but more in phrasing of words and sentences.. (I mean I admit my English ain't that great either.. but its hilarious to think of such stuff.. and yet only Singaporeans can relate to it easily ..cos its part of our identity..)
For instance the usage of the word 'More'. If we were to express ourselves by saying for instance 'This is not bad..but you can do better', 'Better' is already more than good or the average. Singlish version would be 'This is not bad (lah..) but you can do more better'...hahaha.. I am guilty of this too myself.. Sometimes I find myself saying "More worse", "More good", "More this.. More that."
Okie.. Nehmind that.. (OoPs!) hahaha.. well.. I would still continue to use singlish to its best, sometimes when you talk to expatriates all day long.. you just wanna talk singlish and relax.. cos listening to the slangs and accents of expatriates can be pretty tiring..and we are talking about Brits, Irish, Aussies, Americans, Chinese Nationals, Taiwanese, Hong Kongers.. all lumped together in a day can be pretty tiring. So I do wanna say.. I don't encourage Singlish 100% but if it helps you relax like it does for me, and give me a Singaporean identity.. why not? ;)
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
PriPri's Preposterous Princess Poll
~PriPri's Preposterous Princess Poll~
Hahaha..betcha that you guys had your tongues twisted a little while reading the title to this blog entry .. be it silently reading it in your head or pronouncing it aloud..No? Then you must have a perfectly peculiar piece of perplex tongue! (Hahahaa.. .Just trying to form any words begining with P to twist your tongue further).
Okie.. what's with the princess poll u say? I just wanna find out why most people are calling me a princess? Today alone, at least 5 people have called me princess.. (Can die!! You know who you are.. U notti fellas all of u!!!haha) And here I am wondering why.. I mean .. I am not offended or anything but when I trace back .. I can't figure.. If I am spoilt.. NO WHAT!! I do my own laundry.. (some handwash okie!! Don't play play..) I iron my own clothes, wash dishes.. I even carry some stacks of paper by myself to replenish the paper in the office printer AND last Sunday I vaccuumn the church auditorium also what (Not claiming credit.. but trying to prove I am more like a cinderella than a princess can!!) SOooo.. please do participate in my preposterous princess vote..
If you do think I am princess or not.. please add something to my comments under the section "Anything to say?" below.. (NOT THE TAGBOARD AR!!!) Whatever your votes, please do state your reasons/examples .. and DON"T WORRY...YOUR HEAD WILL STILL BE INTACT AFTER THIS VOTE.. I WONT KILL ANYONE OF YOU.. I'll just send anthrax to u..haha.. kiddin.. dun worry .. I wont be offended.. When the final votes have been tallied.. I'll see if I have spare time to chart it and show you the results ya?
Poll closes on 31st January 2005. If most votes point towards me being a princess.. PriPri will admit that I am.. HHAHAHA.. So cast your votes now peeps!! (reminder: below ar.. not at my tagboard!!!)
Saturday, January 15, 2005
What a Saturday!!!
Okie.. I just got home. Today's crap. Woke up happily.. got changed to prepare to head down to TY's place for V's bridal shower. Was at Raffles mrt, switching trains when I got a call from my colleague. Hmm..Wander wat's up. Answered the call and found out the urgent report that was supposed to be sent out yesterday have yet to be sent. Since I am near office, thought I'll just head back to office to send it before I go to TY's place then.
Went to office...switch on comp.. tried to generate the report but somehow I couldn't load it onto the system at all. TSK! Try again. Failed. Try again.. and again.. and again.. *iT guys walked past...* 'Hey, Pris.. Why are you back here today?' 'Need to generate & send out an important report.. but can't the system down?' 'Yup..been down the past 10mins..that's why we're taking a tea break.' 'Arh?????????? HOW COME????' Pris whines. Can die.
Waited for an hour...2 hours passed.. Played with my blog.. surf the net, listen to music, send some emails ....3 hours passed. GOSH!! I need to get this done and enjoy the rest of my Saturday pls!!Clicked refresh and at that moment.. FINALLY the system said report has been loaded. Time checked: 5:42pm. Can't go to V's bridal shower already by the time I leave the office..*grumbles* Had a slight migraine.. went back home to rest.
At the MRT station, silence was broken by this little rugrat who was scrreeeccchiing at the top of his tiny lungs.. running up and down the train. His screeching made my migraine throbbed harder.Then..that rugrat was pulling some lady's skirt.. and the lady was annoyed. And his mum actually smiled and said to the lady 'Let him be ya? He's just a small boy' And he continued shrieking while tugging at the lady's skirt. For a split second, I wished I could tape him to the wall..(not that I'm mean or I don't like kids..)But he was reallyX10 shrieking and filling the vacuumns of the mrt station.
Gosh! My migraine's killing me.. can't wait to get home and just watch my DVDs.. what a Saturday this turn out to be! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Went to office...switch on comp.. tried to generate the report but somehow I couldn't load it onto the system at all. TSK! Try again. Failed. Try again.. and again.. and again.. *iT guys walked past...* 'Hey, Pris.. Why are you back here today?' 'Need to generate & send out an important report.. but can't the system down?' 'Yup..been down the past 10mins..that's why we're taking a tea break.' 'Arh?????????? HOW COME????' Pris whines. Can die.
Waited for an hour...2 hours passed.. Played with my blog.. surf the net, listen to music, send some emails ....3 hours passed. GOSH!! I need to get this done and enjoy the rest of my Saturday pls!!Clicked refresh and at that moment.. FINALLY the system said report has been loaded. Time checked: 5:42pm. Can't go to V's bridal shower already by the time I leave the office..*grumbles* Had a slight migraine.. went back home to rest.
At the MRT station, silence was broken by this little rugrat who was scrreeeccchiing at the top of his tiny lungs.. running up and down the train. His screeching made my migraine throbbed harder.Then..that rugrat was pulling some lady's skirt.. and the lady was annoyed. And his mum actually smiled and said to the lady 'Let him be ya? He's just a small boy' And he continued shrieking while tugging at the lady's skirt. For a split second, I wished I could tape him to the wall..(not that I'm mean or I don't like kids..)But he was reallyX10 shrieking and filling the vacuumns of the mrt station.
Gosh! My migraine's killing me.. can't wait to get home and just watch my DVDs.. what a Saturday this turn out to be! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Friday, January 14, 2005
G & P's Conversations..
G - P's Ang Moh Boss
P - Myself la.. who else.. lol..
Its just a few conversations between my boss and I to show how funny & nice a boss he is.
G: P, are you taking leave during CNY period?
P: Nope..will be here.
G: Oh .. ok, You've been holding the fort since Dec till now sweetheart, everyone's back now, don't you want a break?
P: Yeess!! I need a holiday definitely.. but I ain't going anywhere.. too much WORK!! And besides, school's started already and I've got no travelling plans. And you're a slavedriver.. haha
G: Me? No way.. because you worked so hard, P..I'm declaring 21st of Jan an official Priscilla holiday.. you need not come into the office on that day, just for you.
P (Pris squints her eyes at G): Riiiight...G, its Hari Raya on that day.. very funny.
**************Next few days******************
G: P, you've been promoted.. are you treating me?
P: Riiight..You've been promoted too from Associate Director to Director.. are you treating me too?
G: Hahaha..
Other colleagues: Yay!! Treat! Treat! Treat! Treat from senior Pris..and Director G...
P: win reh lor.. G! They have been teasing me non-stop about being Senior..saying they can't send jokes or funny attachment emails to me now that I am a senior..*Sigh*
G while grinning: Yeah.. it's lonely at the top.. U think that's bad? I have to go into you guys' emails to see those jokes!
P (eyes widen): Waaht? So that's what you do all day in your director's room I bet! Hahahaa...
G grins
Few hours later***********************************
G: Hey, Senior Pris..
P: Grrr... not you too!!!
G laughs...
**Next Day After Lunch Time During A Casual Break***
G: Hey, Ms. Tham..
P: Yes, Mr. G?
G: Heard the aunty said 'Ta pow' to me just now when I bought the sandwiches back to lunch in. What's that supposed to mean?
P: Ta pow means to buy back / doggy back your food in cantonese.
G: Ah......I see. Tao Pow? Correct?
P: TA pow.. not TAO pow.
G: TAA Pow? Can?
P: Yeah.. can. I'll teach you one more pow.. highly important especially to please your workers..
G: Really? What's that?
P: Ang Pow... *Pris starts giggling*
G: Riiight.. I know that 1, Senior Tham!
P: hahahhaa... great! CNY's coming!!
***Went into G's room for a meeting**************
P: Hey G.. you've got your holidays marked down on the department's calendar already for September!! That's fast!
G: Yeah.. Guess where I'm going?
P: No idea.. where to?
G: I know its your fave place.. your dream honeymoon place..
P: NooO way!! Greece?
G nods..
P: Oh man!! And you have to rub it in!!
G: Hahaha.. And I have my holidays plan for December this year already also.. see the calendar?
P: Oh yeah.. there it is.. You're kiasu!! You're getting localised, G. No longer ang moh.
G: Hahaha.. Yeah.. I thought so too myself. And I might pop by France when I head down to Greece.
P: It's good to be you..
G: Want anything?
P: Yeah.. since I have no idea when I'll ever get to Greece, I want a postcard from Greece can?
G: Can..
P - Myself la.. who else.. lol..
Its just a few conversations between my boss and I to show how funny & nice a boss he is.
G: P, are you taking leave during CNY period?
P: Nope..will be here.
G: Oh .. ok, You've been holding the fort since Dec till now sweetheart, everyone's back now, don't you want a break?
P: Yeess!! I need a holiday definitely.. but I ain't going anywhere.. too much WORK!! And besides, school's started already and I've got no travelling plans. And you're a slavedriver.. haha
G: Me? No way.. because you worked so hard, P..I'm declaring 21st of Jan an official Priscilla holiday.. you need not come into the office on that day, just for you.
P (Pris squints her eyes at G): Riiiight...G, its Hari Raya on that day.. very funny.
**************Next few days******************
G: P, you've been promoted.. are you treating me?
P: Riiight..You've been promoted too from Associate Director to Director.. are you treating me too?
G: Hahaha..
Other colleagues: Yay!! Treat! Treat! Treat! Treat from senior Pris..and Director G...
P: win reh lor.. G! They have been teasing me non-stop about being Senior..saying they can't send jokes or funny attachment emails to me now that I am a senior..*Sigh*
G while grinning: Yeah.. it's lonely at the top.. U think that's bad? I have to go into you guys' emails to see those jokes!
P (eyes widen): Waaht? So that's what you do all day in your director's room I bet! Hahahaa...
G grins
Few hours later***********************************
G: Hey, Senior Pris..
P: Grrr... not you too!!!
G laughs...
**Next Day After Lunch Time During A Casual Break***
G: Hey, Ms. Tham..
P: Yes, Mr. G?
G: Heard the aunty said 'Ta pow' to me just now when I bought the sandwiches back to lunch in. What's that supposed to mean?
P: Ta pow means to buy back / doggy back your food in cantonese.
G: Ah......I see. Tao Pow? Correct?
P: TA pow.. not TAO pow.
G: TAA Pow? Can?
P: Yeah.. can. I'll teach you one more pow.. highly important especially to please your workers..
G: Really? What's that?
P: Ang Pow... *Pris starts giggling*
G: Riiight.. I know that 1, Senior Tham!
P: hahahhaa... great! CNY's coming!!
***Went into G's room for a meeting**************
P: Hey G.. you've got your holidays marked down on the department's calendar already for September!! That's fast!
G: Yeah.. Guess where I'm going?
P: No idea.. where to?
G: I know its your fave place.. your dream honeymoon place..
P: NooO way!! Greece?
G nods..
P: Oh man!! And you have to rub it in!!
G: Hahaha.. And I have my holidays plan for December this year already also.. see the calendar?
P: Oh yeah.. there it is.. You're kiasu!! You're getting localised, G. No longer ang moh.
G: Hahaha.. Yeah.. I thought so too myself. And I might pop by France when I head down to Greece.
P: It's good to be you..
G: Want anything?
P: Yeah.. since I have no idea when I'll ever get to Greece, I want a postcard from Greece can?
G: Can..
Monday, January 10, 2005
~Welcome to PriPri's Wonderland~
~*~*Welcome to PriPri's Wonderland*~*~
Hola~I hope you have enjoyed Chopstix 2004..
Chopstix 2004 has served PriPri well, which is why the format for Chopstix has been adopted in this wonderland too.
PriPri has decided that she would like to go pink with flowers for 2005...
In this blog, you will find most things girly and feminine...
Except for the text or the contents of the blogs written by PriPri herself though..
PriPri took many days to play with the HTML codings in order to achieve this wonderland...
Please leave her some comments about the wonderland she created..
(But don't make her cry ya? Hahah....)
Pink is PriPri's fave colour... therefore her wonderland is pink.
PriPri has gone girlish (or at least that's what she thinks) which is what the flowers represent. The little tiny (barely visible) snow flakes are added to this wonderland to create the effect as though the flowers are falling.. As you can see (if you squint perhaps), PriPri ain't no iT expert.. so she didn't try to enlarge the size of the falling snowflakes as she couldn't figure the HTML codes. And if you ask, 'how come the snow flakes don't fall throughout the wonderland?' That's because PriPri thinks it's a little distracting when you are reading a blog and flakes are falling, covering the text. But the main reason is..(if you know me well enough..then you would have guessed by now), is because I don't know how to do that la!!
So here you are.. in PriPri's Wonderland for 2005.. I hope you enjoy yourself here and may you create and find your own wonderland soon...
Hola~I hope you have enjoyed Chopstix 2004..
Chopstix 2004 has served PriPri well, which is why the format for Chopstix has been adopted in this wonderland too.
PriPri has decided that she would like to go pink with flowers for 2005...
In this blog, you will find most things girly and feminine...
Except for the text or the contents of the blogs written by PriPri herself though..
PriPri took many days to play with the HTML codings in order to achieve this wonderland...
Please leave her some comments about the wonderland she created..
(But don't make her cry ya? Hahah....)
Pink is PriPri's fave colour... therefore her wonderland is pink.
PriPri has gone girlish (or at least that's what she thinks) which is what the flowers represent. The little tiny (barely visible) snow flakes are added to this wonderland to create the effect as though the flowers are falling.. As you can see (if you squint perhaps), PriPri ain't no iT expert.. so she didn't try to enlarge the size of the falling snowflakes as she couldn't figure the HTML codes. And if you ask, 'how come the snow flakes don't fall throughout the wonderland?' That's because PriPri thinks it's a little distracting when you are reading a blog and flakes are falling, covering the text. But the main reason is..(if you know me well enough..then you would have guessed by now), is because I don't know how to do that la!!
So here you are.. in PriPri's Wonderland for 2005.. I hope you enjoy yourself here and may you create and find your own wonderland soon...
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