Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Welcome Back Pris Tham!!!!!!

I am saying that to myself actually.. Wahahha.. I know.. sounds a little (alot actually!) eccentric.. but I'm just soOoo glad that my exams are O*V*E*R!!! WoOooHooOoo!!!!
Yes, people!!! I'mmmmmmm backkkkkkkk!!!!! Miss me??? (DUN U DARE SAY NO... ur head's on the chopping board.. hahahaha... ) So I am patting myself on my own back *Pat, Pat* that I've survived yet another semester of examinations. *Pris beams with pride* And I am like a bottle of bubbling champagne on getting my personal life back. Hahaha... it was truly tough concentrating for this semester's exams though I only had 2 papers as compared to the previous semester. BUT...I was soOo distracted by the horrendous bake-fried weather that it was truly excruciating to concentrate and stay focus!!
Anyway, all that's over and other than my internet that needs serious rescuing (am bloggin from office now cos our lotus notes server is not working.. ) as I am experiencing difficulty using the internet... I can't wait to chill out!!!!! Doing nothing is bliss.... and I am pretty sure my companions around me has heard enough proscratination from me about my exams... hehehe.. that their ears can have serenity once more. (Not for long as I still have another semester to go.. wahahaahaha.. ) I can't wait for May to be over as I am looking forward to... Euro Trip!!!


Jon Tan said...

welcome back! thought u had a lost of memory on ur blog after over saturation of studying... =)

how's tat insect bite? =p

Paul said...

I was wondering if you were still alive... when do u leave for europe?

Prisca said...

Hey Jon, thanks for the msg. I nearly did lost my memory cos my brains were fried from too much studying..+ the warm weather.
Sweet of ya to rem and ask abt the insect bite. It's much better, thank you but seems like a lil blue black now. :( *pouts* Thanks for asking, anyway!

Prisca said...

*Pris curtsys (? right spelling?)* Thanks a bunch, didi!! :) Yay!! I survived this semester's exams (though results are not out yet and that's another thing that can make me worry..) but for now.. yes.. it's chill out time and sorry.. internet still not up and working.. so comments u see here is from office internet.. :) Hope everything's well on ur end..

Prisca said...

Harrowz Paul! I was also wondering if I would be alive from all that studies.. Depart for Frankfurt on 22nd June... returning on 6th July. Confirmed places are: Germany, London and Amsterdam. Not sure about the rest.. leaving the planning to friends in Europe.

Jon Tan said...

gg europe? how envious... my furthest country is only Japan...

i got 1 model who is gg home in london and the other in germany after their exams in May.

let me know if you need their contacts... but both are males, so u decide...

Prisca said...

Jon, I have yet to go to Japan leh.. was only there for a day cos of delayed connecting flight. How lucky u!!

Hmm.. thanks for the recommendations or suggestions but its meeting my friends in germany & london as well. Thanks once again!