Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Now I know why....

Hmmm.. was sharing with Khanh, my didi just now about God and the bible.. We were talking about the first alienation that caused a gap between Man and God which is why God had to send Jesus to bridge this gap.
Told didi about Adam and Eve, that the first alienation was in Genesis 3:8 where they hid from God after eating the forbidden fruit. Hid = Avoid = Gap formed.
Then we talked about Lucifer the fallen angel. And then it dawned on me.. *almost like God switching on my lightbulb* why does God dislike disobedience so much. Cos his first protocols (if I may call it) Adam and Eve and Lucifer who was supposedly to be close to Him betrayed his trust by disobeying Him. I don't know if I am right but it doesn't matter if I am right.. what does matter is that it makes me realise why obedience to God is crucial.
Imagine you are God and you got betrayed. How would you feel especially if its betrayal from those that are dear and close to you? Exactly how you feel.. was how God felt. Thank You, Lord for showing me why ... especially when I have a tendency to rebel.

1 comment:

Gabster said...

i agree.. a good analogy to describe how God will have felt..
ps: Wish i can write like u.. hehe