Ms. Geek!
This is me. Yesss.. believe or not, those who have yet to see my in my spectacles....in my new specs. I deliberately (the word is deliberate ya!) asked the salesgirl at the optical shop to let me try the nerdy frames. And I fell in love with this pair when I tried it on. It is dark green actually, not black. I wore my glasses last Sunday to church to the amazement of many people. hahah.. Most people think I look very different and some even thought I was new to church. Amazing how a pair of specs changed my outlook totally (to those who have not seen me in my glasses). Anyway, I know I look like a geek... hehe.. it's okie.. that is my goal when I bought the specs. This pic is taken and provided to me by the courtesy of Dirty Bear (a.k.a. Chang Shiung or Amleth for his blogpage). And its taken in Starhub Center's foodcourt.

At Risk!!
Went to Irving & TY's place after church for a good old game of Risk. I first played Risk in Europe this year & thoroughly enjoyed it. And decided to pit the afternoon out with Gabriel & Chang Shiung since we had nothing much to do. (It was also me trying to 'deny' myself of going home to study for my exams..OkOkok.. I know.. I need to study..) Anyway, while the 2 men crack their heads to attack each other.. Geeky me was sitting there enjoying the debate and their "spoken-aloud" tactics that the men were negotiating and using on each other. Although highly imvolved in their battles with each other, occassionally the men would glance up and see what kind of tactics I am pulling when its my turn. Of cos after a few seconds or so.. question marks start appearing over their heads and they go "Pris.. I have no idea what you're trying to do." And I would go "Don't tell you.." hehehehe... But in actual fact, was not quite sure of how I should approach my moves...LOL! Anyway, guess who won? Yeesss... Geeky me won Risk twice! The mission was to conquer any 24 territories and I did so .. See the pic? Where my army of green covers the globe? Lol. In fact, I could win twice is because both the men were busy fighting against each other and never bothered me... which was all good in my opinion. hahah..Chang Shiung said perhaps its my specs that made me look "innocent".. hahah.. NOT!
yah ... dun pray pray with pris, she is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
>Amleth: A.k.a dirty bear..Where got!! Me so innocent and nice ok!!! It was between you & gab.. so all I did was to just watch you guys play and do my own part..
yah loh.. look so innocent, end up the winner.. haha
>Didi: HmMmm.. I cant think of anyone great in specs.. Einstein keep coming to my head when I try to think of someone great but I dun think he wears specs.. at least in the pics I have seen of him. Anyway, thanks.. really need to get down to mugging.
>gabster: What look so innocent?! I AM INNOCENT. Hahaha.. I was innocently playing Risk while you guys were pitting against each other. :)
I think as long as Gab and Amleth are in a game, all our lives are at risk! Both dirty bear and laughing bear are equally lethal.
>inky: U're right!! They should be banned from games. They can only play with each other. lol.
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