Thursday, June 02, 2005

Priscilla & Pris

Bought wanton mee back to the office for lunch cos I wanted to blog as well as play Zuma. It's my lunchtime.. hello!!
While sipping my chinese tea which I made from my pantry.. I decided to blog while giving Zuma a pause. (I cannot eat and savour my wanton mee and click on my mouse and watch the colourful zuma balls (its a tad like puzzle bubble) at the same time!!)
Received 2 texts just now.. and somehow it made me realise that when people call me by my name in full, for example, the 1st text I received was "Hi Priscilla, how are you? I am passing by your office and would like to meet you for lunch. Are you free today? I can meet you anytime for lunch." The text made me a little nervous. Why? 1. I do not know who this is and it's not a familiar number. 2. When people call me 'Priscilla' and 3. Asked me 'How are you?' it makes me jittery cos it's so formal and most of my friends (even some expatriates) call me Pris. Anyway, I declined to meet the person for lunch as lunch time is my only time to relax and mingle with my other colleagues.
2nd text message is polite but kindof even worse.. reinforced and confirmed that I do get nervous when I see unfamiliar numbers and again people calling me Priscilla and being so formal. 2nd Message: "Good morning, Priscilla. How have you been? Would you be available for lunch later? I can come meet you at your office area." Errrr.... Riiight. Declined.
3rd text message: Again its an unfamiliar number (what's wrong??!!) but this is how it goes "Pris, I forgot my hp.. am using a pal's.. lunch later?" That message came across much better (to me at least) though I managed to find out who were all three messages from.. I still declined.. cos I wanna play Zuma. Hahhaa..
So folks, call me queer.. but if you have spoken to me more than twice.. Pris will do. Unless your intention is to make me nervous. Haha.. Happy Lunching.. Back to Zuma.


Jon Tan said...

Wey!!! You can reject all lunch dates but make sure when comes to TUESDAY, DO NOT FORGET ABOUT OUR LUNCH PRAYER MEET YA?!!!

Everyone is having BREAKTHROUGH since attending this weekly thingy... In fact I have been loaded with quite a number of SALES recently... That's the reason i'm able to write blogs everyday this week as i have to stay back office to download images... Opss... dun let my competitors hear... if not all convert Christians (Or maybe tats wat God wants to do... through me...) Wahahaha!!! =)

Gabster said...

I thought this post should be how u had overdose on nutella?? :P

ur office sound so cosy *envy*
Remind me to call u Priscilla later tonight... maybe should tell everyone to do that also. hahaha...

Merv Kwok said...

wats zuma?

Prisca said...

>Hey Jon... It's great to hear that everyone's got breakthrough and your sales are coming in. Will go for prayer meet but not all the time.. cos there are days where I really wanna have time for myself.. (like my eat in office sessions..)
Haha.. well I am sure there will be more than enough sales to go round if your competitors convert to Christians.. Our God is powerful mah. :)

>Aiyo, didi!!!! Not being 'hit on' la... dun say that.. makes me even more jittery. Not that no one asks you out for lunch.. But cos U like gio bi so much .. always eat that until everyone scared to ask u out I bet!!

Wah... I got personal filtering system.. my didi! Haha.. I dun think players will read my blog.. they are out there busy playing & probably chasing skirts..haha.. Aiyo.. again you advertise my singlehood on internet. That's it. When I see u in London.. that's it. Haha.. I am enjoying my singlehood now.. no need to report strength! And dun you dare call me Priscilla! Remember our pact that you can only bully me 1 day and I can bully you 364 days? Ur 1 day is over.. hahaha

>Gabster, I have yet to nose bleed.. cos Father of all nutellas is not even 1/10th empty. My office is ok la.. not too bad..
Dun Envy.. Yoda said..Envy leads to the dark side (or something like dat...) hahah..

Tell me why I wanna REMIND u to call me PRISCILLA to make MYSELF JITTERY? Haha..see ya in awhile..

Prisca said...

Hey Merv, Zuma is similar to the 'puzzle bubble' game that your bro, TY and Jm were playing on last Sat's cookout when we played 'high society'?

It's like puzzle bubble where you have to shoot same coloured balls of 3 to make them disappear. But this is tougher cos the balls are moving towards you (instead of dropping from above like puzzle bubble) and you have to clear them to prevent them from reaching you.

Anonymous said...

You like Zuma also? i spend all my time playing Zuma... also my mom. just addicted.

Prisca said...

Thanks for your message, Livie. Yeah .. it's not too bad actually. But not yet addicted.. more addicted to blading. Hehe..