Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Visit to the doc's

Am at my work station now and I am blogging. It's LUNCHTIME before you launch into a "hor hor hor.." finger wagging session. Having peanut butter & bread for lunch. Almost everyone's gone off for lunch. Cos I went to the doc to have "Hong Kong" (Read earlier blog to find out what Hong Kong refers to) examined.

Before I tell you about my visit to the doc's, lemme let you in on a little secret that my fellow colleagues and I have 'labelled' this doctor at the clinic we usually go to near our office as ... mm.. "scary & weird". She was always in room number 1.

Anyway, my insect bite was SOOOoOOOoOooOOooOoOooOOoooOO (okie you get the picture) itchy, I had to see the doc ASAP, I couldn't type without wanting to scratch it. Went over to doc's and waited for them to assign me the room number for the doc. As usual, locals here can't really pronounce my name properly. The clinic assistant at the front desk shouted (I was just sitting IN FRONT OF HER) "PRESS-SI-LAH THUMB.... Room number ONE" x.x!!! *sobs* Dieeeee! Oh "lucky" me!

Told the doc what happened to me and she went into another connecting room and came back with ... 1. A metal kidney-shaped pan 2. A small knife in it 3. Cotton balls 4. Some lotion. (Dang!! She's gonna cut me up... ) and she had a MASK on. As she approached me.. (my heart raced..huh? cut me here and here? no injection? no warning?) She said to me: "Lift up your elbow high and turn your head to face the wall.."*Wails...* I asked her "Doc you gonna cut it up *gulps* nnnow?"

Doc: "Oh .. no la.. the knife's in there cos I'm lazy to take it out as I bring the pan here to clean your infected area" *PHEWWWWWWWW* Huge relief... Anyway she cleansed it..stuck gauze pads on it and tape up "Hong Kong" any-oh-how. (Really.. I have medical tape criss-crossed here and there..) I feel like a present wrapped by an over zealous kid who's eager to wrap a gift but lacks experience or the know-hows. I asked her "Doc, why do I have to face the wall?" (Was thinking in my head.. so that you can wrap it up worst than erm now while I ain't looking?) She said "Cos.. by looking and facing your wound as I clean it.. you are breathing in every spec of germs and dust." Arh? Waaht? come again? Dust? (Scratch heads while glancing at ceilinng...HmmMmmM..) Riight. Interesting.
When she was done, I proceeded to the reception area to wait for the medicine prescribed to me. True to my expectations, the nurse yelled "PRESS-SI-LAH THUMB" and I trod towards her. Guess what? I was thinking it would be a cream and that would be it. Wrong again. The doc prescribed 1. Anti-biotics (Darn.. which means I have to carry it everywhere with me and finish the course) 2. Pills for rashes 3. Pills for itch 4. Cleansing lotion 5. Ointment. Troublesome!!!!!!!! Ma fan!!!!!!! *Pris pouts*
Went back to the office and was bombarded by everyone who saw how bandaged up my arm looked. What happen??? I had to repeat my answers almost 8 times to every colleague and friend I met. Daniel, our german sortof colleague came to me and the first thing he said to me while pointing to "wrapped hong kong" was ...
Daniel:Issit moving?
Pris: Huh? Are you crazyyy?
Daniel: It looks big..
Pris: Yeah I know.. thats why I went to see the doc.
Daniel: So was it moving?
Pris: Daniiieeeellllll!!! Whaddaya mean was it moving???? Stop scarying me..
Daniel: Oh.. I had something like dat previously and it took me agesss to recover cos the doctors didn't know what it was and it was MOVIIINGGG.. in the end.. they X-rayed it and there was a worm in it.
Pris: Waaaatt????!!! A worm???!!! How so?
Daniel: It could be anything... playing in sea water.. a sandfly.. they just bit my skin to get inside and lay eggs..
Pris begining to be paranoid: *GULPS* l..ll..llay eggs?????
Daniel looking very cheery while replying me: Yes. Lay eggs.
Pris: Riiiight. Thanks for the info, Daniel.
Daniel: Hey no problem.. most welcome.
*Daniel sniggers and strolls back to his desk*
Thanks to him.. I am even more determined to finish my antibiotics..


Anonymous said...

I always thought it's worms crawling under our skin that makes it itchy...

Prisca said...

Eeeks!!!! making me feel even itchier now.. !!! *Pris freaks out*

Alvin said...

its even more gross seeing fresh cut wounds with maggots swirming around

Prisca said...

UUurrgghhHHh....Guys!!! Stop scaring meeeee!!! enough about maggots & wormsssssssss.......arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Prisca said...

Thanks didi... arrgghh.. worms in me makes me itch further.. that thought is *nm.. decided to scrape the thought*

"Hong Kong" is behaving itself.. thanks for asking and praying for me didi..hope you have a fun time this weekend up in the mountains.. Oh yah.. its time for me to take my antibiotics for Hong Kong. Haven take for today..