Anyway, after that Michael checked the wheels on my blades and switched the position of my wheels so that they will be evenly used and will not wear out so easily (most likely out of guilt seeing how much I wailed my poor heart and he gave me a pair of "Alan keys" (?) for wheels maintenance in future. Thanks, mate! (Though no thanks for the special treatment on my guards..eventhough the learning area was smooth ground OKIE!! hehe).
2nd Part of my enjoyable Saturday:
After blading, YTS sent KKPS to her place and we headed to somewhere Mohd. Sultan area for lunch. I was craving for the Croc Monsieur that was introduced to me last time by Liz. So we made our way there and ordered 1 and shared as we weren't very hungry. MmMmm... satisfaction derived! Here's a pic of how the Croc Monsieur looks like below. It is basically melted, yet fluffy cheese on top of bread with juicy slices of ham and tomatoes sandiwch, sprinkled with some herb as you can see the green bits. Verrrrryyy Niceeee! I think the restaurant's name is Epicurious.
When we were done with lunch... we saw this colourful bridge. It looks bright & cheery so I snapped it.. lol..
3rd Part of my enjoyable Saturday:
YTS fetched me to Junming's place and after numerous U-turns (we were really trying our luck and my memory on where his place is located), decided to call him instead. Lol. Found out we were at Bukit Batok West and his place is at Bukit Batok East. YTS probably had the best U-turn practice today .... bet he didn't did so many U-turns in a single day. hehe.
Anyway... finally got there and Gabriel was already there playing the guitar and we watched some movies and had dinner with Elaine, Yixing (?) and Junming's mum. Thanks for your hospitality, Junming! Gabriel, thanks for your chips.. though I NEVER EAT.. haha... kiddin.. it was me who didn't wanna eat .. cos not much appetite. Got to watch the show where Andy Lau played a little boy who grew up too fast over a span of a couple of nights. Something that I had wanted to watch so much after watching the clips of it on buses whenever I travelled back home from school after lessons. Did so many things today... post exam feelings are absolutely bliss. (Think nearer results date on Dec 6 I will be in panic shambles again.. lol)
>Khanh: Hey, if you can ice skate.. usually the case is that you can blade too.. guess not much difference since most friends I know who ice skate can blade. yeah u've gota try it sometime soon. Food IS yummy but I bet Nandos beat this anytime..
cool.. with so much practice, u can start doing blading stunts liao.. hehe
me and ming was speculating whether u can find ur way or end up in another part of bukit batok again.. haha.. enjoyed the movie session.. should get more snacks next time also.. hehe
you are very welcome. It was my pleasure to host such good visitors to my humble home.
>Tiger: Once again, thanks! It was really thoughtful of you to have requested your maid to cook our share of dinner too! The soup's great! ;)
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