Friday, November 04, 2005

A Closed Chapter.. A New Chapter Awaits...

A Closed Chapter.. A New Chapter Awaits...
Relief and free.. are the words right now that I can describe my current state. At 4:30pm today, after my last exam paper..... I felt relief and free.. A big stone lifted off my chest today. This is it. The last of the examination paper and I have come to the end of this education tunnel. A closed chapter (for now at least till I get my results in This feeling is sensational...never felt this free for so long. I guess when the entire education course is paid out of your own pockets...and when you've come to the end of the course.. perhaps one can call it accomplishing a milestone. Till my results are out.. if I do pass and graduate.. this is one life goal I have come to achieve. And I need to thank God, my family, my churchmates, my colleagues, my friends, my boss & manager....everyone who have been so supportive in one way or another in helping me to accomplish this life goal. (sounds like the emmy's? haha) Lurve you guys!!!!!! *Big Hugz*

Looking back, I never thought that I would be able to attain a degree in my lifetime cos it was too costly. As much as I wanted it badly.. I could only dream and hope for a miracle. To many people obtaining a degree was as simple as ABC with their parents paying the bill. No offense.. that's almost a natural thing parents do for their kids. I won't say I am unlucky..but I just took a harder route. This harder route made me appreciate my degree even more. It did happen of cos..the Lord made it possible eventhough I had to fork it out of my own pockets. But the promotion I had earlier this year.. helped me big time in financing my studies. I'm grateful. Having a life goal achieved is really no easy feat and I am not giving myself credit here. I am giving it all to Him. I know I could never have done so if it weren't for Him leading me at every step till today..imagine..the last of my examination paper as compared to when 1.5years ago I was worrying my heart out if I could even obtain a degree given my financial status.

Another life goal that was achieved was traveling to Europe. Dreaming about it and talking about it were easy... saving up to go there while financing my studies was not. As I look back at the photos in my notebook..a wonderful warm feeling overcomes me. 2 life goals achieved in this 1.5years. Lord, I am very grateful to how You made all things possible in my life. In this 1.5 years, I made many new friends.. I have a wonderful church I can call my spiritual home, I have brilliant churchmates and have come to know a group of my coursemates that are now so dear to me..and also friends like Joan, Imelda, Donald kor, Tat Wang, Phyllis, Linda, Alex, Karine, Khanh.. All I can say is I'm truly blessed.

A new chapter awaits...what is the new chapter? I have no idea.. it depends.. have so many things on my mind that I would like to do now that time is once more on my side. Learn french? Learn driving? No idea.. will take things as it goes.. perhaps next year.. right now what I really want.. is to dwell in His presence and just bask in it. Anyway, right after my exams today... guess who I met?
I met my favourite interactive "toy" (without batteries)...check him out..

Isn't Tze Kang adorable?? He is sOoOoo chubby & cute and look at those pair of eyes! So handsome!! He is the proud product of my coursemate now dear friend, Serene and her husband Dan.

And after that I met KKPS for dinner at Mos Burger Taka and we hung out and chat till the cows came home. Then we went walking around a bit more and settled for dessert at this famous in Hong Kong mango pudding place call "Xu Liu Shan" in mandarin, behind Isetan Scotts and this was what I ordered:

Nice ain't it? Its called Mango Pudding with real mangos and Coconut Ice Cream covered with Mango Puree....*droolz* But the thing that topped the dessert and made it sweeter was becos KKPS was with me. And its truly the companions that makes a difference in your day, your meal, your outing.. That's all folks.. its blading day tomorrow for moi~ Adios, Amigos!


Anonymous said...

Hi Pris, give yourself a pat on your shoulder!! Great job!! I do understand how you feel..because getting a degree is a miracle to me too..never thought I could brace through the growth of Kang. Though Dan is the one who foots the bill, when I made that decision with my budget..his came as a bonus. Haha! Sounds so unappreciative right?! No!! I feel grateful to him for not only footing the bill but also being so understanding and supportive through his actions. He did say footing the bill is to show his support. I can only say I am blessed. Next for driving! Of course, providing a "loving and fun home" is my goal for Kang now too. PRis, hereby I would like to wish you all the best in your life..taking each step with confidence. Every obstacle is a stepping stone to success..therefore do take each step with pride too. Though I know you for a little short while, it has been great talking to you and I know you have come a long way for the past 1.5 yrs. Keep it up my friend! Life is about learning..we will still be learning with our last breath. I believe you will pathe your success because you have an attitude that moulds you to be 'a critical success factor'. Meanwhile, do enjoy your "freedom" to the fullest!! Great job!!

Jon Tan said...

Hey Sis!

Its been a while since i leave a msg in others' blog already but your post is just so "blessed"...

Like you, i could not go on to degree becoz of financial difficulties too. I thought achieving Diploma is enough during my time but I came to realise that I was so wrong. 4-5 years of working in the industry brought me to Reality. My life screwed.

It was too late as I have lived my life on the high each day. No regards to the future and no Plan B to fall back on. Like I always said, "No $ and No honey".

It was also 1.5 year ago since I met Him. He is so faithful and wonderful. It was Him who showed me to the door to Plan B. It was called Business opportunity. And I grabbed it in awe.

So now I live each day in fear. Fear that I would disappoint Him. And that's where I need to draw strength from Him each day.

Your life is good too with Him. May you have a great chapter ahead. And remember this, "Spread the Good news!"

Psalm 127: 1-2
"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.

In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat -
for He grants sleep to those He loves."

Be Blessed Always! Amen.

Prisca said...

>Serene: Hey babe... thanks for your message on my blog. And not forgetting your encouragement too. I think Dan is really sweet by supporting you with both words and more importantly.. by actions as well. And its also a pat on ur shoulder for juggling, motherhood for the first time, ur work as well as ur studies at one go and thats truly not an easy feat either.

U always say things that makes my heart melt.. or go fuzzy wuzzy.. lol.. I learned alot from you.. about optimism and determination..And looking back at the past few weeks during our study leave.. both of us were updating..checking.. monitoring each other if we have much we study so that we could finish this last lap together and though dun know the results yet.. it was great to have done the last lap being there for each other. All the best for ur new job and I cant wait to throw my grad hat with you and also to do life with you as a new found buddy! ;)

Merv Kwok said...

how many more life goals left to go? :)

im guessing eating everything in spinelli's is one rite? hehe

Prisca said...

>Jon: Thanks for ur message too. I can't agree more that He is wonderful and ever so faithful.

Personally, I dun think anyone without a degree their life is screwed.. to be frank.. in my own opinion.. a degree does not make anyone a better person.. it just revitalises one's thinking and its never too late to achieve what you have always wanted.. especially when ur plans are commited unto Him.

Once again, thanks for the encouragement and well wishes.. ;) and its great to know that you have come this far as well.

Prisca said...

>Merv: Hmm.. In this case its more than a handful then!! Since you consider conquering spinelli's food as my life

Cos Cedele is next..

Anonymous said...

Congrats in completing this tough phase of your life and I'm sure it was worth every blood and sweat you poured into it. I'm really amazed that despite all your projects and study commitments, you could still find time for friends and ministry and of course the occasional shopping therapy. Hehe... well, not to worry, I'm waiting for the day that you tell us how many distinctions you got this time! Heee...

Sumomo said...

Congratulations on finishing your degree! I just know that you would do a great job at it. So proud of you! *hugs hugs*

Anonymous said...

Well done and congrats, Pris! I can see that your friends are proud of you as above and I am very proud of you too.

And like what ur friend Ink mentioned, I've always find it amazing at how you juggle with work, church, family, friends, school and ur own personal time [for instance: DIY home facials!! and retail therapy like what ink mentioned!!]and still get:
a. Distinctions and not forgetting your recent High Distinction in your school assignments,
b. Receive excellent survey results and great compliments from your expatriates at work,
c. Lend a shoulder and listening ear to your friends
d. Serve in church
e. Still look great (most of the time la, be it ur hair or ur dressing..)
f. But most importantly, though you do say u're tired, U never fail to smile and laugh. & I think that's something that amazes us all perhaps. Or at the very least -amazes me. I really don't know how you pull it off but I know you have been so busy that you never fail to make full use of your time like reading ur textbooks and lecture notes even on the way to school.

This is something that many people lack today. To be able to laugh and smile even at your difficult times. & U've done it! U've no idea how proud we are of you and am sure ur parents too feel this way. - JP

Prisca said...

>Ink: Thanks for your encouragement..hehe.. not only me.. my coursemates also had to juggle and I guess I had Him with me.. so renew my strength.. :) *Gulps* Distinctions ar? Dun know can or not.. but pass me happy already. Can throw grad hat at convo next year.

>Joan: *hugs back* hugs back* Thanks, babe! I'm so happy to have finished this.... Thanks for believing in me! Lurve ya always. babe! Muaks!

>JP: Fwahhhhh..ur comments very long .. unlike you usually. But thanks for your encouragement as well. See comments above from me to Ink...I have Him renewing and restoring me mah..My parents are happy too.. can feel it. My daddy said it was good that i went out to relax after my exams and my Mum was glad too from her smiles.

Gabster said...

So happy and relieved for you. Could see and sense the ups and downs you had when assignments and exams come and go. Finally all these is over and you can get to throw your grad hat! yay...

One thing i feel, is that i think all these ups and downs brought you closer to God, to rely on Him and honour him more.. hee

btw, how's your fun-seeking activities? hehe

Prisca said...

>Gabster: yeah... finally its all over (till 6th december results day..) I dun know about throwing my grad hat high as yet but I very much would like to though.

I agree that all these times... I felt nearer to Him and felt His presence more... Somehow.. Him with me thru this 1.5 years of my educational journey..made me appreciate Him even more...more in love with Him too.

My fun seeking activities? Not too bad thus far.. lol.