A Closed Chapter.. A New Chapter Awaits...
Relief and free.. are the words right now that I can describe my current state. At 4:30pm today, after my last exam paper..... I felt relief and free.. A big stone lifted off my chest today. This is it. The last of the examination paper and I have come to the end of this education tunnel. A closed chapter (for now at least till I get my results in December..lol) This feeling is sensational...never felt this free for so long. I guess when the entire education course is paid out of your own pockets...and when you've come to the end of the course.. perhaps one can call it accomplishing a milestone. Till my results are out.. if I do pass and graduate.. this is one life goal I have come to achieve. And I need to thank God, my family, my churchmates, my colleagues, my friends, my boss & manager....everyone who have been so supportive in one way or another in helping me to accomplish this life goal. (sounds like the emmy's? haha) Lurve you guys!!!!!! *Big Hugz*
Looking back, I never thought that I would be able to attain a degree in my lifetime cos it was too costly. As much as I wanted it badly.. I could only dream and hope for a miracle. To many people obtaining a degree was as simple as ABC with their parents paying the bill. No offense.. that's almost a natural thing parents do for their kids. I won't say I am unlucky..but I just took a harder route. This harder route made me appreciate my degree even more. It did happen of cos..the Lord made it possible eventhough I had to fork it out of my own pockets. But the promotion I had earlier this year.. helped me big time in financing my studies. I'm grateful. Having a life goal achieved is really no easy feat and I am not giving myself credit here. I am giving it all to Him. I know I could never have done so if it weren't for Him leading me at every step till today..imagine..the last of my examination paper as compared to when 1.5years ago I was worrying my heart out if I could even obtain a degree given my financial status.
Another life goal that was achieved was traveling to Europe. Dreaming about it and talking about it were easy... saving up to go there while financing my studies was not. As I look back at the photos in my notebook..a wonderful warm feeling overcomes me. 2 life goals achieved in this 1.5years. Lord, I am very grateful to how You made all things possible in my life. In this 1.5 years, I made many new friends.. I have a wonderful church I can call my spiritual home, I have brilliant churchmates and have come to know a group of my coursemates that are now so dear to me..and also friends like Joan, Imelda, Donald kor, Tat Wang, Phyllis, Linda, Alex, Karine, Khanh.. All I can say is I'm truly blessed.
A new chapter awaits...what is the new chapter? I have no idea.. it depends.. have so many things on my mind that I would like to do now that time is once more on my side. Learn french? Learn driving? No idea.. will take things as it goes.. perhaps next year.. right now what I really want.. is to dwell in His presence and just bask in it. Anyway, right after my exams today... guess who I met?
I met my favourite interactive "toy" (without batteries)...check him out..
Isn't Tze Kang adorable?? He is sOoOoo chubby & cute and look at those pair of eyes! So handsome!! He is the proud product of my coursemate now dear friend, Serene and her husband Dan.
And after that I met KKPS for dinner at Mos Burger Taka and we hung out and chat till the cows came home. Then we went walking around a bit more and settled for dessert at this famous in Hong Kong mango pudding place call "Xu Liu Shan" in mandarin, behind Isetan Scotts and this was what I ordered:
Nice ain't it? Its called Mango Pudding with real mangos and Coconut Ice Cream covered with Mango Puree....*droolz* But the thing that topped the dessert and made it sweeter was becos KKPS was with me. And its truly the companions that makes a difference in your day, your meal, your outing.. That's all folks.. its blading day tomorrow for moi~ Adios, Amigos!