Sunday, August 23, 2009

Those That Should Be Banned...

Went to the cinema recently and I found myself totally annoyed with some folks. Here are some peeps that I think should not visit the cinema at all and stay home to rent a DVD instead. Hehehe. I know it sounds mean but watching the show with such people can really cause World War III.

Those that should be banned (in no particular order):-

1. Those who crunch their nachos and chips really loudly during the impregnated pause of the show.
2. Those that open their bags of chips and snacks and plastic bags during the impregnated pause of the show.
3. Those that start telling their friends/partners what will happen next during the impregnated pause of the show.
4. Those that stand up in the middle of where they sit to go to the toilet during the impregnated pause of the show.
5. Those that read the subtitles out loudly throughout the entire show.
6. Those that sit near you and keep using their mobile phone to text someone, make a call, answer a call throughout the entire show and the light from their mobile phone is sooO bright in the pitch dark cinema.
7. Those that answer their mobile phone and talk like there's no one else around.
8. Coconut trees - Those who are so tall and yet they sit upright through the show & they block midgets like me from getting the full view of the screen. Hehe. Not their fault.. but I guess too bad? Heee.
9. Those who verbalise everything they see on screen loudly.
>For instance:-
[Screen shows Thai scary preview movie with Thai ghosts speaking in Thai language and with English subtitles]
Loudspeaker to fellow friend:- "A Thai Scary Movie"
[Screen shows preview of animation movie that will be shown in 3D coming soon in Dec'09]
Loudspeaker to fellow friend:- "It's a 3D animation coming in Dec'09] Urgh.... we can read for ourselves, hello!!!
10. Those that keep kicking your seat through the entire show.

Or maybe I should rent DVDs and stay home instead. Hahahahhaa. Hopefully all of you have better encounters at the cinemas than me recently.

1 comment:

Tiger said...

10. those that take out their laser pointer and point at the actors/actress.