Friday, February 27, 2009

This Is What Doing Life Means...

I am blogging this down as a sweet memory and again to make an altar in my life to remind me of God's goodness.

Last Thursday we had our cg. During P&W, I thought Esmond led well and for me I felt God's presence strong amidst us. After that Shuping & Reina led discussion and thought they did well too considering it is their first time. It was a short but sweet lesson.

But as I read the notes again ... HS brought about a revelation to the notes on intercession, a lot of thoughts and examples came into my mind all of a sudden. He gave me the examples of Jesus at Garden of Gethsmane, He reminded me of Abraham interceding for Sodom, etc. It happened on the spot. After I shared about it, I went home and went .. "Did I just say this???"... God you're amazing.

Afterwich we prayed for each other and Shuping's sharing for me was spot on (Thanks, Shuping! I needed that!).

What was also amazing was that we came together as one on our knees to intercede for others in our cg. It's not about the kneeling down part that was amazing. It's the resonance that everyone had and shared - that everyone was willing and ready to intercede, to stand in the gap for another that was amazing. While praying, I heard the Lord say "This is what doing life means... this is what cg is all about and I am well pleased". I am touched...

God, You brought us this far from being a new cg last year.. bring us deeper to where You want us to be. Bring us closer to Your heartbeat and thank you for showing me time and again that this is what caregroup means.. what doing life together in your Kingdom means.

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