Friday, April 07, 2006

Of Overtime "Smashing"

Of late, my colleagues Yilin, Yan and I have been clocking in Overtime in the office due to the many things we have to do that seem never-ending.

Perhaps it's because we have been working until so late so often, all of us have become less sane. Okie, perhaps I speak for myself. Hahaha.

I was talking to a Brit assignee over the phone together with Yan one time and the assignee asked me if we knew about his assignment being extended? I told him yes and he will soon receive his extension contract upon approval and he said "Smashing!". After the call, I told Yan that the assignee has a lovely, crisp, clear voice and his accent was audible and nice. So the entire day whenever someone said something to me, I would reply "Smashing". Hehehe...

As we work ourselves towards the night, we were trying to speak with British accents and Yan & I ended up in a "pingponging" each other to see who can come up with the most words closest to the word Smashing session. This is how it goes (with fako British accents):

Pris: Smashing!
Yan: Fantastic!
Pris: Fabulous!
Yan: Fantabulous! (Fantastic + Fabulous fyi)
Pris: Marvellous!
Yan: Brilliant!
Pris: Terrific!
Yan: Great!
Pris: Well Done!
Yan: Excellent!
Pris: First Rate!
*Yan & Yilin laughing hilariously ....*
Yan: Good!
Pris: Magnificent!
Yan: Top Draw!
*I broke out laughing hysterically before continuing again*
Pris: Amazing!
Yan: Superb!
Pris: Superlative!
*We broke out laughing non-stop*
Yan: Smashing!
*laugh laugh laugh laugh*
Yan continuing: Outstanding!
Pris: Unparallel!
Yan laughing while asking: "Whats that?! Can meh?"
While trying to contain my laughter I replied: "Hahaha... Don't know that's what Microsoft Word's thesaurus gave me.."
Yan: "Hahahhaa... no wonder you could use Superlative!"

Hahahahahahah.... but seriously.... after that session, it amazes me to know that there are so many words to Excellent or.... Smashing! Heheh..


Gabster said...

wow!! didn't know there're so many ways to describe one thing.. hahaha

Anonymous said...

You forgot the mother of all fantastic words - It's so Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!! Hehe

Prisca said...

>gabster: neither did i! until now...hehe..

>inky: indeed! Brilliant!! hehe