Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Happy Anniversary MustardSeeds!!!!!!

Happy Anniversary MustardSeeds!!!!!!

Okay, this post is a tad late considering that our cg was formed in June last year and its 1st of July 2009 today.

Looking back from where we started and where we are now... I am really left in awe of how God bond and gel all of us who are so diversified together as one family. I looked at each and everyone of mustardseeds and I know I've had the pleasure and the first hand privilege of seeing each and everyone grow in their walk with God. For that, I am grateful to God for putting us not by chance or fate or luck but by His wonderful plan together as one family. I hope God will take us deeper and closer to one another as we draw nearer to Him in the next half of 2009.

On a totally separate note now... recently I came across some baby article (before u think otherwise.. pls note that this was really by CHANCE that I came across this short article on babies.. =.=) it was said that if both parents participate actively together in looking after the child, the success rate of the child being confident, happy, filial (something along these lines la.. cannot rem) would be very high.

I told that info to my husband and guess what was his reply? "Oh really? Okay, I will look after our child actively with you too. Next time, I hold the child, you hose it down to bathe it ya?".
=.= After that, I was struggling between being serious and yet I can't help laughing at what he said.

Ever wonder why we aren't having children yet? That's why. Hehehehe.

1 comment:

Tiger said...

lol.. and your blog has resurrected! :P

chance or God's leading? hee hee