Saturday, April 08, 2006

Of Easter Eggs

During Easter...whenever I attended Sunday school as a child, the Sunday school teachers would always give us kids some Easter chocolate eggs to eat. Recently, I went to the groceries store near my place (well...literally, below my place) and saw a shelf full of Easter chocolate bunnies and Easter chocolate eggs. They all looked splendid and were wrapped in fancy designs.

I decided that I would get an Easter egg for myself too... just to reminisce my childhood. Here's a picture of the Easter egg I've got:

Hehe, I can't eat it. But it can wash my clothes and my delicates as well as remove lint from my clothes for me. Hopefully, it would treat my delicates delicately...once I have fixed it up to use it. Hehehee.. this is what I call a grown up's version of Easter egg.


Anonymous said...

Woo... do you plan to paint it? Hehe

Prisca said...

>inky: :P noooooooooooooo......hehe

Anonymous said...

But but... Easter Eggs have to be painted! Not only that, you have to hide it for someone to find later. Speaking of that, have I told you my house has many wonderful hiding places? :P

Prisca said...

>inky: hehe... try harder, bro!! :P