Friday, January 28, 2005

I've got mail.....

Yay! It's finally a Friday! Wooohoo!!!!!!! I love Fridays. Am a friday gal. Nope.. not for clubbing.. but Fridays are just so... soo.. I don't know, Happy!
Anyway today's pretty hectic, had a promotees meeting to discuss what stuff to order for food and drinks for 4th Feb (The promotees are supposed to treat the whole entire department...the whole office on 26 floor.. about 60+ people.. and plan all the logistics of the BBQ party we are having.. can die!)Had to ensure that everything for my assignees are all ok especially for those who are physically relocating to their host countries this week, before I left hurriedly for the church unit dinner. Had a nice meal .. got one of my fave dessert Yam (er.. issit paste?), got a nice sunflower from sweet Elaine. A little sad that our caregroup would have some changes in terms of people movement especially when all of us have gotten closer to each other, but I guess change may not always be bad, could be better for all I know.
Saw Eirene turned into a redhead with her new hair colour.. quite nice. Something new. Came home after the unit dinner and saw I've got mail! There's 3 postcards on the table. Hmm.. who were they from? Woo.. there's a lovely .. cutey bear shaped postcard and its so KAWAIIII.............. They were from my sweet lil bro in London and the postcards are really nice. *If you are reading this.. THANK YOU!! U MADE MY FRIDAY EVEN BETTER!!* This lil bro of mine is a really nice guy.. sincere, genunine, great follow up with me especially when I am down and it seems like I have known him for ages! He's like the lil bro I never had. He taught me some Vietnamese, sent me songs, lyrics, nice mpeg files and many other stuff..
And this is the bear postcard and me!! Love the postcard.. (I'm easily contented..hehehe)

1 comment:

Prisca said...

Thanks again for the lovely postcards, lil bro! Hey hey.. doesn't mean you can be notti by not studying! Your exams are round the corner.. (Yes.. I'm for your good!) haha.. and besides.. each time you are notti.. you have to make up with more postcards? Haha.. kiddin..